Great Grace
International School

GGIS is a private, English language international school located in Budapest’s beautiful twelfth district. Founded in 1991, it is one of the city’s premier international schools, serving students from kindergarten to the 12th grade.
A Word from the Director
As we celebrate the beginning of our 34th year as an international school here in Budapest, we are happy to be part of the ever changing scenery educational theory offers.
Our expected student outcomes include being Responsible Learners and Critical Thinkers.  We desire for students to be prepared to answer tomorrow's questions which requires their effective use of technology while avoiding its over dependency.  
Our class sizes stop at 20 which provide the opportunity for additional support from teachers.  We operate with Morality, Discipline, and Respect as both "True North" for our compass and a daily aspiration in our pursuit of genuine intelligence.
Abraham Lincoln is credited for saying, "I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."  We desire to work with families in making the men and women who are prepared for tomorrow.


James K. Schirmer
School Director
Meet the staff
School Highlights

We are a vibrant and caring international community

The Christian principles of respect and inclusion are the foundation of the vibrant and caring international community at GGIS. Students from many countries and diverse faiths attend GGIS, bringing with them their unique cultures and perspectives.

This diversity makes our classrooms a place where students learn life skills that will serve them their entire lives: empathy, appreciating differences and an understanding of differing perspectives. This intercultural exchange along with the respect and care we have for each other causes many who attend to say “We are like a family around here.”
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School Highlights

Founded on Christian principles.

There are many ways to perceive and understand the world in which we live. GGIS has, from its founding in 1991, looked at life from the perspective of the Bible. This miraculous collection of 66 books written by over 40 authors over a period of 1500 years provides a framework, a unified field of knowledge, from which all science, linguistics, history and mathematics and human relationships can be understood and applied.

Since much of the world’s legal, societal, medical and economic principles have been derived from the Old and New Testaments, GGIS education includes the study of the Bible not simply as a religious book but as a book that is vital to understanding the real world in which we all live.
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Prepared for the future

There are many ways to perceive and understand the world in which we live. GGIS has, from its founding in 1991, looked at life from the perspective of the Bible. This miraculous collection of 66 books written by over 40 authors over a period of 1500 years provides a framework, a unified field of knowledge, from which all science, linguistics, history and mathematics and human relationships can be understood and applied.

Since much of the world’s legal, societal, medical and economic principles have been derived from the Old and New Testaments, GGIS education includes the study of the Bible not simply as a religious book but as a book that is vital to understand the real world in which we all live.

  • Confidence and wisdom to navigate successes and failures.

  • A perspective to see opportunities that others do not see.

  • A relationship with God to traverse times of anxiety and fear.


Hear what others say

"Dear Friends... It is clearly etched in my mind how your school's Christian democratism and noble internationalism guide now Hungary-based children from countries ranging from American to Asia in the spirit of pure intellect and mutual respect. Convinced that no nobler unity can be created than what you have achieved within the walls of your school, I ask for God's help for your praiseworthy endeavor."
Árpád Göncz

Former President of Hungary

The word “family” was always the most common word used by students over the years as they tried to describe that special “thing” about GGIS. The sense of family is evident there because the very heart and love of God is expressed in the halls and classrooms, making GGIS that much more special. It was my great honour to have been a part of the GGIS family for those special years - I can’t believe I got to do that!
Graham King

former GGIS staff member

"The excellence of her academic experience - which, with your emphasis on fundamentals, was truly superb - was exceeded only by the caring nature of the environment in which it was delivered. The school embodies Christian values in everything it does."

Marketing Director for Central Europe AT&T

"Discipline is gentle but firm in all areas, and we felt this to be equally important in a world where respect is not always promoted. Not surprisingly, toward the end of our stay, we were joined by some other embassy parents who all said, "if only we had known about your program earlier!"
John & Marija Fogarasi

U.S. Embassy

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Ready to take the next step?

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. GGIS offers the students who attend more than just a great academic education. GGIS educates the whole student; body, soul and spirit. Students will have the academic preparation for the rigor of university and wisdom to make the right choices in life.

Click the “Apply Now” link and begin the process for your child’s success in life.