There are many ways to perceive and understand the world in which we live. GGIS has, from its founding in 1991, looked at life from the perspective of the Bible. This miraculous collection of 66 books written by over 40 authors over a period of 1500 years provides a framework, a unified field of knowledge, from which all science, linguistics, history and mathematics and human relationships can be understood and applied.
Since much of the world’s legal, societal, medical and economic principles have been derived from the Old and New Testaments, GGIS education includes the study of the Bible not simply as a religious book but as a book that is vital to understand the real world in which we all live.
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. GGIS offers the students who attend more than just a great academic education. GGIS educates the whole student; body, soul and spirit. Students will have the academic preparation for the rigor of university and wisdom to make the right choices in life.
Click the “Apply Now” link and begin the process for your child’s success in life.